The Mobile Internet Handbook for US Based RVers, Cruisers & Nomads
by Chris Dunphy & Cherie Ve Ard
5th Edition, 111 Pages
Released: Jan 31, 2018
This book is now considered retired. We will not be releasing an updated version, and encourage you to instead utilize our Getting Started content.
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About The Mobile Internet Handbook Your Guide to staying online while exploring the world offline.
For anyone thinking of exploring a mobile lifestyle, figuring out how to best keep online while exploring the world offline becomes critically important.
In this handbook, we help you assess your internet needs, set your expectations to realistic, explain the challenges of mobile connectivity and overview the options of cellular, Wi-Fi and satellite.
The book is written for the non-technical internet surfer to the high-tech geek - we strive to balance using every day language and examples to explain complex topics, while keeping things technically accurate.
This book is meant to be a primer to the foundation of mobile internet as a US based nomad, and complements the more in-depth guides, product overviews and constantly updated resources here online.
Our goal is to make this stuff comprehensible so you can enjoy a thrivable life on the road with a minimal of technical frustrations, and still able to afford the fuel that propels your adventures!
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Mobile Internet is Constantly Changing Keep current with free periodical update summary guides:
Check out: "Industry Updates" to catch up on major changes since the last edition.
This Book is Written to Answer Questions Like:
Who is this Book for?
US based RVers, Cruisers, and Nomads
This handbook is geared specifically towards US based RVers, cruisers, and nomads –
whether full-time, seasonal or those on extended excursions. -
From Non-Techy types to Geeks of Any Level
It's written in clear easy to understand language with a minimum of 'techno babble' - ideal for those not comfortable talking with technology to fellow geeks.
Travelers Who Want to Stay Connected while Mobile
If you are setting out to explore the vast expanse of the USA for a prolonged period of time and want to remain connected while doing so, we’ve written this book for you.
The Goal of The Mobile Internet Handbook + MobileInternetInfo.com
There Are So Many Ways to Connect
The goal of The Mobile Internet Handbook is to give you the tools, knowledge and perspective to make the best choices for your unique situation.
The Industry Changes - QUICKLY!
The industry simply changes too quickly for the book alone to keep up with new products, plans and technologies - which is why we also host this site, MobileInternetInfo.com, with our further guides, news center, videos and product overviews.
The Book Goes Hand in Hand with the Online Resources
The book links to the living guide for further research on the current options.
Unbiased Information. No Ads. No Sponsorships.
We do not resell any mobile internet equipment or service plans, we are not sponsored by any company we cover and we do not accept any third party advertising.
We are funded by our readers and members (thank you!) so that we can strive to provide unbiased information to help you find the solutions that will work best for your adventures.
Ready for More? Go beyond the book with Membership or a Library Card
Most of our content is online these days, as it changes so often. Thus, the book is kept simple and to the point to stay more 'evergreen'.
Our online library takes the book MUCH further with deeper content and constantly updated information. It's a full library online with in-depth guides, a classroom, product reviews, videos and much more! This resource center is designed to be a one-stop knowledge base of everything mobile internet related for RVers, cruisers an nomads.
Much of the basics are offered for free in each guide, if you'd like full guide access - consider membership.