Support the Mobile Internet Resource Center
We're pleased to offer a ton of free guides & videos -
but we couldn't do it without support from our community.
We do not resell products, gear or plans.
We do not accept 3rd party advertising.
We are not sponsored.
Our goal is to be an unbiased informational and educational resource. We strive to maintain high journalistic standards and remain as unbiased as possible in our reporting, guidance and reviews.
We are proud to serve our nomadic community
It is through support of our premium members - our community - that we're able to provide free content to our larger nomadic community via our guides, videos, news articles, outreach, and groups.
But membership is not the only way you can us help make this all happen!
There are several ways to support our work - and some don't even cost you a cent.
Become a Member
Most of our funding comes from memberships.
While we offer a bunch of helpful content for free, our members get even more - in-depth guides, classroom, vendor discounts, alerts, newsletter, Q&A forums, webinars and product reviews.
Leave a Testimonial
Already a member and pleased with what we offer? If you're willing, we'd love to have you leave a testimonial that we can publish on our front page.
Use our Links When Purchasing
While we are not dependent on affiliate sales (and not every purchase link is an affiliate) - using our links if our content helped you make a purchasing decision is a great way to say thanks.
Here's some of our most used affiliate links:
- Get a FREE Month of Starlink
- Get a FREE Month of Calyx Institute (T-Mobile unlimited data)
- Save $20 on Visible
- Save 5% at weBoost
- Shop at MobileMustHave
It lets vendors know we're sending them traffic (and thus they keep us 'in the know'), and if an affiliate link - the little kaching is a nice bonus.
Sharing is Caring!
Our main marketing is word of mouth.
If you've found our content helpful, then likely others will too. Please do share links to our content and help your fellow nomads learn about their mobile internet options.
Share in groups & forums, share in your social media, share around the campfire. We super appreciate you helping us grow.
Leave a Thank You Tip
Our team works hard to keep this site updated and answering questions. Want to say thanks with some bucks?
We deeply appreciate your financial support, and tips are shared with the entire team.
Buy a MIRC T-Shirt!
Proudly display your Mobile & Connected lifestyle and support MIRC at the same time! As seen in our videos!
(Members, use your link off the Dashboard to get your discounted pricing!)
Become a Supporter
We understand a membership isn't for everyone.
So we also offer a $25/year supporter level - with this option you'll get e-mails when we post a news story so you can stay in the know.
Say Thanks!
Words of appreciation go a long way to keep our staff inspired - knowing we're helping you stay connected!
Please never hesitate to share your gratitude in comments or even writing us directly.
Advertising Policy
We don't like sites cluttered with advertising, and prefer to not to subject our readers to it either. You'll notice as you browse around, we have no 3rd party ads.
The only ads you'll see on our site are for our own products & services (which is how we get our funding to keep this site constantly updated).
And we of course will not accept any advertising or sponsorship dollars from any manufacturer, vendor or carrier.
Review Policy
For our reviews, we attempt to acquire a representative sample of the best gear for maintaining reliable mobile internet access so that we can provide hands on evaluations. Sometimes a manufacturer provides us an evaluation unit (this helps us keep our membership fees as low as possible), and sometimes we purchase the gear ourselves.
Our reviews are not swayed either way and we are clear with every manufacturer that we provide 100% honest reviews showcasing the pros and cons of their product. We will not accept any funding from a manufacturer for reviewing their products either. Some manufacturers are more receptive than others in hearing our honest feedback that can help them improve their products.
When we are done testing gear we received for evaluation, we first offer it back to the manufacturer. If they don't want it back, we offer it up to our premium members for a fair market value donation to a charity or cause of their choice. We do not consider evaluation gear to be part of our personal mobile internet setup (ie. we're not getting 'stuff for free in exchange for review'), and we do not resell it.
We prepare our most in-depth reviews for our members with complete editorial autonomy - we are accountable to our members first and foremost. They are who fund our many dozens of hours doing in-depth field testing and creating resources.
Affiliate Policy
We strive to not be influenced by affiliate relationships. Our motivation is to be member funded and accountable to them.
However, affiliate sales do add to the funding that keeps this site running and are an industry standard. So we do participate in several affiliate programs when offered, and disclose when those links are being used throughout the site. Some are traditional affiliate links and kick us back actual cash. And some are referral links that give members of our team credits for services they keep in operation, which allows us lower our operating expenses of keeping multiple mobile internet plans in place for testing and tracking.
Some vendors however give our members direct discounts equal or greater than what our affiliate kickback would be - in those cases, our members when logged in do not see affiliate links for those vendors.