Today US wireless carrier AT&T announced they have reached an agreement to purchase Mexican cellular provider Iusacell, which operates as both Iusacell and Unefón providing coverage to approximately 70% of Mexico's population.
AT&T says they intend to "create a first-ever North American Mobile Service area for U.S. customers calling or visiting Mexico, and Mexican customers calling or visiting the United States."
"It won't matter which country you're in or which country you're calling--it will all be one network, one customer experience," according to AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson.
If the acquisition is approved, it should close in first quarter 2015.
This could be an interesting story to watch for US RVers who enjoy crossing our southern border. While internet access is fairly easy to navigate as a US citizen in Mexico, AT&T could potentially be making it even easier.
More Information: Wireless Week, FierceWireless