T-Mobile + Dish Network? Is Potential Merger Good For RVers?

weBoost Announces RV 4G Cellular Booster, Drive 4G-X “Now Shipping”

Sprint Introduces “Rolling Data” – Only Prepaid, Only At Best Buy?

Maximum Signal’s ‘Max-Amp’ RV Cellular Booster – Cleared For Sale!

WiFiRanger Debuts Lower Cost Mini, Sky2, and Mini Pack Bundle

MaxxFi Mobile Broadband: Exxagerated… But Interesting

Unlimited Data Update: AT&T Eases Off Throttle, T-Mobile Slows “The Top 3%”

Sprint Aims to “Densify” Network – and Advances on Chicago

WiFiRanger Discontinues XT Antenna Upgrade

Cradlepoint Reverses Consumer Hostile Firmware Policy

Google’s Cellular Service Unveiled: Introducing Project Fi

weBoost Drive 4G-XR RV Cellular Booster – Delayed A Year?!?

Hey Apple: WiFi Does NOT Mean Fast, Free, or Unlimited!

Verizon Argues Against “Unlimited Data” – T-Mobile Argues Against Overage Charges

Clearwire Going Clear Away – Formal WiMAX Shutdown Scheduled for November

Net Neutrality Update: The 60 Day Clock Starts Ticking, The Fighting Continues

Unlimited Entertainment: Getting HBO (and more) on the Road

WiFi Calling Progress Report: Sprint Brings VoWiFi to the iPhone

Beware the iCloud Temptation: Apple Mac OS X 10.10.3 & Photos Launches Today