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That's about $2/month.
To make this all possible, we do have to raise funding to keep our content constantly updated. We are primarily funded by our MIA members who also get all of the perks of membership.
Not everyone needs a membership - but perhaps you want to help make this all possible?
The Supporter option allows you to contribute towards the free content we're able to offer AND you can stay in the know by getting a daily e-mail when we post a news story.
You'll be able to better stay in the know without pro-actively coming to our website.
Note, a Supporter is NOT considered a membership to the Mobile Internet Resource Center.
This Supporter option does NOT include any membership benefits including: our exclusive member content (guides, reviews, classrooms), interactive areas (forums, comments, webinars), discounts and insider alerts.
Supporter is for those who want to support our free content and get news stories delivered to their inbox. That's all it includes.