The RF Explorer 6G Combo+ is a spectrum analyzer used to measure radio frequency strength. It is useful for aiming directional antennas and measuring the signal strength of an antenna.
This is a similar device to the SurCall RF 5 Band Signal Meter and the RF Signal Meter by WilsonPro signal meters but with more advanced measurements.
- Frequencies:
- Left Connector: 50kHz - 960MHz
- Right Connector: 240MHz - 6100MHz
- Sensitivity: - 125dBm to 10dBm
- Impedance: 50 ohm
- Antennas:
- (included) Wideband 144/433MHz dual band telescopic antenna
- (included) UHF 400-900MHz rubber duck
- Connector: SMA Female
- Power:
- DC Mini USB Cable
- Dimensions: 2.5” x 5” x 1”
- Retail Price: $449.00
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We purchased an RF Explorer Combo 6G + to conduct advanced antenna analysis for our members.
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