Smoothtalker has been around forever making cellular boosters (they claim to have released the first digital cellular booster in North America in 2001) - but they've been slow to transition to LTE and multi-band support.
In early 2017 Smoothtalker at last launched a full lineup of completely new "6 Band" LTE boosters - ranging from cradle boosters to RV / large vehicle boosters, to full-home residential and even large commercial systems.
All the Smoothtalker boosters support a full 1W radiated output power, which they claim is more powerful than most competitive boosters - and should thus be most comparable with their closest competitor at time of release the weBoost Drive X. However, since then weBoost has released the weBoost Drive Reach with even more uplink power.
The flagship and most appropriate for RVers is the Mobile RV X6 Pro, and that is what we've focused on here.
Product Variations
The original RV kit from Smoothtalker released in 2017.
Released in early 2021, their revised kit with a stronger and taller exterior antenna.
Here are Smoothtalker's other available mobile boosters.
Smoothtalker also offers three 6-Band LTE marine boosters. Smoothtalker sent us an evaluation unit of the Mobile RV X6 kit in 2017, which we have tested head-to-head in two field testing rounds. Our detailed hands-on review and analysis of the Smoothtalker RV X6 is featured in our members-only section below, including a video overview focused on 'Optimizing Your Cellular Signal' showing all of the candidates in the early 2017 testing round in action head-to-head. Here is our unboxing video of the SmoothTalker just after it arrived: For other booster options on the market worth comparing this model to - here are our featured options: Our members fund our in-depth independent reviews. This entry may contain additional member exclusive content such as testing notes, field testing data, user interface tours, comparisons to alternatives, analysis, tips, videos and discounts. Members also get interactive guidance, alerts, classroom and more. We don't sell stuff, we are primarily member funded. Some links below may be affiliate links (see our disclaimer), which also helps fund MIRC. The vendors displayed below provide larger discounts to our MIAs that we have negotiated instead of displaying affiliate links while they are logged in. Our Mobile Internet Aficionados (MIA) get special discounts from the below vendors. Members please check for discount codes before ordering. With savings up to 11% off, you could save more than your membership cost! Here are some places to find the Smoothtalker line of boosters for sale: Cellular boosters can be quite useful for boosting the signal to a smartphone to get a more solid phone call. But when it comes to enhancing cellular data performance, things get more complicated. Because of a technology called MIMO (multiple in multiple out) that is essential to LTE and 5G data, often times the internal antennas on a smartphone or hotspot don't benefit from an amplified signal. Boosters also only cover a handful of the frequency bands the carries use for data. But a booster can play a role in a mobile internet arsenal - as they excel during times when you are really far from a tower, or where upload speeds are important (such as video broadcasting). For more on understanding boosters vs. MIMO - check out video: For more on signal enhancing, including understanding boosters and the many forms they come in - follow up with our guides:RV X6 Pro
RV X6 Pro
RV X6 Xtube Pro
RV X6 Xtube Pro
Trucker X6 Xtube Pro
Trucker X6 Xtube Pro
Other Smoothtalker Mobile Boosters
Other Smoothtalker Mobile Boosters
Marine Boosters
Smoothtalker Marine Boosters
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