Getting Started With Mobile Internet
Approaching a mobile internet setup for RVing or boating can be overwhelming.
There's a lot to understand - from your own needs, to some understanding perhaps some new to you technologies.
This page is put together to help you get started with our content.

Mobile Internet Overview
There are three primary ways RVers & Cruiser keep online:
- Cellular
- Wi-Fi Access Points
- Satellite
The solution(s) to getting online while staying mobile are highly personalized - dependent on your unique needs and travel style.
Here's a quick video that gives you an overview of the options:
Or if you prefer, we have a written overview guide as well:
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Understanding Your Needs & Getting Started
These guides will help you begin the process of understanding your unique mobile internet needs. We highly recommend anyone new to this topic spend some time here. Skipping these steps can result in assembling gear & plans that won't meet your needs.
The Core Mobile Internet Options
Using cellular, Wi-Fi hotspots or satellite are the three primary ways RVers & boaters get online. Here are starting places for each of these topics.
Things You Might Want to Do Online
The things you want to do online play a huge role in your mobile internet setup. Here are a collection of guides we've written specific to typical things RVers and cruisers want to be able to do online:
Your Travel Style
How you intend to travel - full time, part-time, off grid, RV or boat, mobile or fairly stationary also each have unique considerations that can impact your ideal mobile internet setup. Here are some guides that might help: