Field Testing Lab Report
Started: October 2019, Done
We conducted several rounds of testing over the 2019/2020 winter of some newer gear to the market.
- Pepwave MAX Transit Duo - The Cat 12 version of this dual modem router came out in September and an evaluation unit has been provided to us by We're conducting cellular data testing, including load balancing and bonding of multiple WAN sources. We'll also do some Wi-Fi as WAN testing as we can.
- WiFiRanger Converge Denali & Spruce - WiFiRangers new router line-up is out, and we have their late 2019 options onboard for testing. We'll be testing out the cellular functionality of the new Denali roof unit with a Cat-6 modem along with more traditional tethering of mobile hotspot devices. We'll also do some Wi-Fi as WAN testing, perhaps even against their old SkyPro and EliteAC options.
- Winegard ConnectT 2.0 - Bringing this unit back into testing now that we're re-united with our evaluation gear - for some direct comparisons to the WiFiRanger line-up.
- Pepwave MAX-BR1 - Some quick comparisons to the older MAX-BR1 single modem (but Cat 4) unit.
- Poynting 7-in-1 - This brand new all-in-one roof antenna is out, sporting 4x4 cellular MIMO, 2x2 Wi-Fi and GPS. We're specifically looking at utilizing the 4X4 MIMO as dual 2x2 MIMO for use with the dual modem setup of the MAX Transit Duo. This antenna has been supplied by MobileMustHave (formerly
- Panorama 5-in-1 - We have in this low profile antenna that we've not tested before, and will compare it as a 2x2 cellular MIMO option.
- Mobile Mark 4-in-1 - Our tried and true low profile antenna should also make an appearance this round.
- 4" Wilson Mag Mount - These little stubby antennas will also be tested to compare to the all-in-one units.
- [new entry - Jan 2020] 2x BoatAnt - Our tried and true past top performer is back in testing now that the price has come back down. We have purchased two of these high-gain omni antennas and are testing them in a mock-MIMO configuration.
- [new entry - Jan 2020] Mobile Mark 9-in-1 - This brand new all-in-one roof antenna is out, sporting 4x4 cellular MIMO, 4x4 Wi-Fi and GPS. We're specifically looking at utilizing the 4X4 MIMO as dual 2x2 MIMO for use with the dual modem setup of the MAX Transit Duo. This antenna has been supplied by MobileMustHave (formerly
The devices & the carriers we are testing them with include:
- Verizon - Inseego 8800L
- AT&T - Netgear Nighthawk & iPhone XS
Not all carriers/devices will be tested at each location. Our focus will be on AT&T as we have multiple postpaid unlimited SIM cards for easier testing.
For guides to boosters & antennas:
Understanding & Optimizing your Cellular Data Performance
Selecting a Mobile Router
Selecting a Cellular Antenna
Understanding MIMO (Multiple Input, Multiple Output) – LTE Speed & Cell Booster Implications
Our Testing Procedures
During our testing, we will attempt to visit a variety of testing locations.
Each device is tested independently, with all other nearby devices in airplane mode to prevent any potential interference.
Next, for each device we test each router and/or antenna combination. For this round we are not focused on signal strength, just actual data speeds.
- Signal bars
- DL = Download speed.
- UL = Upload speed.
- Ping time.
For speed and ping readings, we are using the Ookla Speedtest app. We keep the distance between device and router consistent over the same WiFi band to rule out WiFi variables.
All of the individual field testing results and observations shared below are for our members. Not only will the results show the performance of each combination, but also what to expect in different types of signal situations.
Testing Disclaimer:
Our goal in our cellular and Wi-Fi gear testing isn’t to attempt to create perfectly “fair” lab conditions, which are impossible in the real world. Instead, we try to strike a balance between real-world scenarios and the need to be able to test multiple setups head-to-head while being able to rapidly switch between them.
By testing in a range of locations and situations patterns tend to emerge - and we always try to sanity-check our conclusions by mixing things up to make sure that the overall results make sense and are representative.
Testing Status
Testing this round is complete.
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The Field Test Results
Below are our field test results and notes.
Early March 2020 Update: We got in a couple rounds of Poynting vs Mobile Mark testing on our cross country van trip - and it seems there are definite advantages to the Mobile Mark. We are now transitioning back to boat life. As neither antenna is installable on our boat - this concludes direct testing of those two antennas. We are also awaiting the WiFiRanger Everest and Spruce to be shipped before we resume more extensive testing, which is expected sometime in summer 2020.
Mid-Jan 2020 Status: After seeing some significant performance differences between the Poynting and MobileMark 4-in-1, MobileMustHave sent us the newer MobileMark 9-in-1 to include for some testing.
Note: Do be aware that the MobileMark has a short 15" built in antenna cable, then a 9' extension cable provided to us by MobileMustHave. The Poynting on the other hand has a built in 7' cable. This means the Poynting in our testing configuration has a slight built in advantage due to shorter cable lengths and lack of an extra junction point. Keep this in mind when analyzing our results.
We also purchased two BoatAnt antennas now that they have come back down in price (and then went back up - so no longer an attractive option) , and are testing them in a mock-MIMO configuration too.
We are back in our bus conversion and convoying with our van, so have been able to add in some additional evaluation gear now that we're re-united (the Winegard ConnecT 2.0 and MAX-BR1). Each of these options are completely different approaches, and not similar enough in spec to be a true head-to-head. We are capturing different data points for cellular performance, load balancing, bonding, antenna combos (where appropriate).
At the end of the month, we'll be storing the bus and heading back east in the van with limited storage space for gear.
Members can also follow along with testing notes on a variety of features with the WiFiRanger and Pepwave gear in our In Progress Testing Forum.
High Geek Alert & Patience Requested
This is where we are collect the data which we will analyze later into our various reviews & guides. Over time we are looking for patterns that shake out after testing in a variety of signal conditions. We don't make presumptions based on any one data set. After our testing is done, we will comb over these results and our notes to base our reviews on.
We share this data for those who wish to follow along and draw their own analysis - and so you can get a peak behind the scenes of what we do here at MIRC to evaluate products. Our reviews are not based solely on testing results, but also observable experiences and user experience - and our testing is always ongoing as we cycle gear in and out of service in our own daily use.
We welcome you to geek out with us.
Results & Notes
Below is the spreadsheet where we are collecting data. You can also open up this document directly in Google Drive if you prefer to view it in full screen.
Members can also follow along with testing notes on a variety of features with the WiFiRanger and Pepwave gear in our In Progress Testing Forum.