RV Mobile Internet Options in Canada
Traveling to Canada by RV or boat has mobile internet challenges, but there are options for cellular data plans and satellite internet. Canada is a very large country, with a lot of wild unpopulated areas. While unpopulated places are often desired by RVers and nomads, the lack of internet sources in these areas is often not.
Mobile internet simply isn’t as abundant as one might hope for when traveling around by RV or boat in Great White North of Canada. And even where a cellular signal can be found there are hurdles for non-Canadians looking to stay connected without risking outrageous international roaming charges.
With a little planning, you should be able to travel by RV or boat in Canada while staying affordably connected with a combination of Starlink satellite internet and understanding the roaming options on USA based cellular data plans.
Sometimes the best strategy is to explore Canada while in more of a tourist mode, without stressing about connectivity – especially if you are making the long drive up to Alaska which will have you mostly well away from the more populated (and connected) border.
Anyone who depends on lots of internet for their mobile RV or boat lifestyle can still make it work while traveling up north should consider the ease of Starlink and their generous roaming ability. <!--
Included In This Guide:
- Wi-Fi in Canada
- Satellite Internet in Canada (Member Exclusive)
- Cellular Frequency Bands in Canada (Member Exclusive)
- Understanding Your US Carrier's Canadian Roaming
- Getting Local Service on Canadian Cellular Carriers
- VPN Service: Virtually Getting Back to the USA (Member Exclusive)
- Bonus: Tips for Canadians Traveling in the US
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International Mobile Internet Tips Video
Our international video overviews some general tips for traveling in Canada and getting mobile internet access:
You can also use our International Resources Page to access all of our guides to international & OCONUS travel, including: Canada, Mexico, Alaska, Bahamas and Global. We even have a guide for our Canadian friends for keeping connected in Canada & the USA.
Wi-Fi in Canada
Relying on Wi-Fi is the simplest way to stay connected in Canada since you do not need to secure any special hardware or plans in advance. Wi-Fi works exactly the same in Canada as it does in the USA, and you can use all your current equipment.
According to most nomads we’ve talked to who have ventured to Canada, Wi-Fi seems to be present and usable in most campgrounds, marinas, and RV parks (even if only in the front office or clubhouse) – and many travelers utilize public Wi-Fi for their primary internet needs.
Aside from campgrounds & marinas, Wi-Fi hotspots – like in most places across the world – are often accessible from cafes, coffee shops, restaurants, libraries, breweries, and more.
Of course, public Wi-Fi hotspots will vary from free to paid, and the quality of the connection will vary substantially.
Having Wi-Fi repeating gear on board can help improve your connectivity situation if the prime issue is increasing the range between your RV and the hotspot, but often no amount of gear will make any difference. Frequently, it is the upstream connection itself that is very limited – especially in small remote towns.
Be especially considerate of others sharing the same Wi-Fi network - streaming video should only be attempted if you have an explicit OK from the network manager.
Don't be the one who drags the internet to a crawl for everyone - in some rural areas, there just is not a lot of connectivity to go around.
Wi-Fi Calling Tip: Every one of the major U.S. based cellular carriers now supports Wi-Fi Calling on compatible phones. If your phone supports this, you can make and receive text messages and voice calls over Wi-Fi, even if you have no cellular service.
Make sure to set up Wi-Fi Calling before your trip to Canada, and then you can leave your phone in airplane mode (but with Wi-Fi turned on) to still be able to make calls when you need to, assuming you can find Wi-Fi that is.
Since the U.S. and Canada both use '$' for their currency, in this guide we'll list U.S. dollar prices as "US$" and Canadian prices as "Can$"
Roaming on Cellular Data Plans in Canada
Roaming is when a cellular carrier has agreements with other networks to utilize their towers, helping the carrier provide connectivity to their customers who are just passing through areas they don’t directly service themselves.
Behind the scenes, the carriers may be charging each other for any usage while roaming onto their networks, thus the carriers manage their costs by having specific roaming policies on their plans.
There are two main types of roaming - domestic and international.
When roaming internationally, many U.S. carrier plans differentiate between North American roaming and global roaming. This means that their policies may be completely different when traveling in Canada and Mexico than when traveling further afield.
It's very important to know the exact terms of your plan. Some plans might roam just as if you're at home, some might include a daily or monthly cap when across borders and other plans might not include any international roaming at all.
Also, since roaming agreements aren't intended for primary international use - many plans have limits for how long you can travel abroad before roaming is shut off.
All of the U.S.-based cellular carriers have vastly improved their international roaming agreements in recent years, making it even easier to stay connected when you cross borders.
Warning: If your plan doesn't have generous international roaming limits, be extra careful when traveling near borders. Your cellular device may pick up on international towers and you may unintentionally be roaming. Even within a few miles of a border.
The roaming setting on many devices only turns off domestic roaming, not international roaming. So be sure to TURN OFF any devices that don't have international roaming allowances when near or crossing borders.
Data Saving Tips for Capped Plans
As noted above, most U.S.-based plans that permit data roaming into other countries place data usage caps on the roaming portions of those plans. If you are purchasing a local SIM card to use in another country, you may also find yourself dealing with data caps. Some satellite-based plans also have data caps.
So how can you make the most of your data limits?
We've got a complete guide with tips to lowering data usage:
Managing Bandwidth: Common Data Hogs
Finding Cellular Coverage in Canada

A critical part of successfully navigating a mobile lifestyle and keeping connected is knowing where along your routes you’ll have the best chance of getting a signal.
For those who rely on mobile internet, it can be very important to have this information before you head out to a new location.
Thankfully, there are tools available to help, whether your goal is to connect via cellular or Wi-Fi.
It pays to do some research in advance!
We've got a guide dedicated to helping you research coverage in advance:
Travel Planning Around Connectivity
Coverage? was created to help RVers, cruisers, and travelers better plan their routes and stops to be within cellular coverage.
The Coverage? app offers Canadian cellular maps including the major Canadian cellular carriers: Bell, Telus, and Rogers.
The Coverage? App focuses on helping mobile bandwidth junkies find cell signals as they roam.
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Check out the Topics Covered in the Member Section:
U.S. Carrier Canadian Roaming Policies by Plan
Each carrier and plan has its own roaming policies. In this section, we track the Canadian roaming policies for current and legacy plans on each of the major U.S. carriers - including Google Fi.
Canada's Cellular Frequency Bands
Getting the best cellular service means having equipment optimized for a carrier's network - this section tracks the cellular bands utilized by the Canadian carriers.
Getting Local Service on Canadian Cellular Carriers
For extended stays in Canada, it may be best to seek out a local plan - which isn't necessarily easy without a Canadian billing address.
Satellite Internet in Canada
Satellites have coverage maps too - this section tracks which mobile satellite services have you covered up north.
VPN Service: Virtually Getting Back to the USA
Once you cross the border, you may find your favorite websites and streaming services block international traffic. This section has some tips on getting around those blocks.
International Roaming Data Plan Options
Here are the cellular data plans we're tracking that are more readily available within the US that have decent to awesome international roaming allowances.
50-99 GB
5G Compatible
North America - Canada/Mexico
5G Compatible
Cellular Data Plans
North America - Canada/Mexico
Prepaid Carrier Subsidiary
Unlimited On Device
Device Specific
Mobile Hotspot Device
Cellular Data Plans
25-49 GB
50-99 GB
100-500 GB
Under 10 GB
Embedded Router
5G Compatible
Postpaid Carrier Direct
Mobile Hotspot Device
Cellular Data Plans
North America - Canada/Mexico
International Roaming
Unlimited On Device
Connected Car/RV
25-49 GB
50-99 GB
100-500 GB
Embedded Router
North America - Canada/Mexico
25-49 GB
50-99 GB
Under 10 GB
Embedded Router
5G Compatible
Postpaid Carrier Direct
Mobile Hotspot Device
Cellular Data Plans
North America - Canada/Mexico
Unlimited On Device
Connected Car/RV
100-500 GB
Embedded Router
Device Specific
5G Compatible
Postpaid Carrier Direct
Mobile Hotspot Device
Cellular Data Plans
North America - Canada/Mexico
International Roaming
Unlimited On Device
Connected Car/RV
25-49 GB
Under 10 GB
Embedded Router
Mobile Hotspot Device
Cellular Data Plans
North America - Canada/Mexico
Prepaid Carrier Direct
Embedded Router
5G Compatible
Mobile Hotspot Device
Cellular Data Plans
North America - Canada/Mexico
International Roaming
Browse our Cellular Plan Entries
Canadians Traveling in the USA
For Canadians traveling in the U.S. please see our dedicated guide:
Mobile Internet Options for Canadians
Summary: Research and Planning are Key for Staying Connected in Canada
While Internet access simply isn’t as abundant as some might hope for in Canada, with some planning, expectation setting, and flexibility, many nomads are able to keep connected. Careful research into cellular plan terms and other options for connectivity can make or break your mobile internet experience on a Canadian adventure.
Additional Reading
Related Guides:
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