Mobile Internet News Center
From cellular plans, satellite internet, new product announcements to technology advancements.
Our goal is to provide analysis for how industry news impacts mobile internet for RVers and boaters.
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AT&T Joins Promotional Pricing for 15GB Shared Data
Beginning tomorrow, new and existing AT&T customers can snag 15GB of data for the price of 10GB ($100/month) on Mobile Share Value plans. Prices are before any device fees for smartphones, tablets or hotspots added to the plan. The new pricing now makes AT&T’s 15GB data plan on par with the recent pricing change Verizon announced […]

Canadians Gaining More Options for US Mobile Internet
As Canadian RVers start heading south into the US to seek warmer winter adventures, the question of how to keep online always comes up. With Millenicom out of the picture and signing up directly with US based carriers difficult without a US address and credit card, the options used to be pretty slim. But a […]

Verizon Unlimited Data Plans No Longer Transferrable via AOL effective November 13
We have received reliable confirmation that Verizon representatives have been officially notified that effective November 13, Verizon is changing their Assumption of Liability (AOL) policy. Previously, whoever was assuming liability of an unlimited data plan would be able to keep the unlimited plan plan on an older style Nationwide plan. With the upcoming change, all […]

AT&T Expanding into Mexico?
Today US wireless carrier AT&T announced they have reached an agreement to purchase Mexican cellular provider Iusacell, which operates as both Iusacell and Unefón providing coverage to approximately 70% of Mexico’s population. AT&T says they intend to “create a first-ever North American Mobile Service area for U.S. customers calling or visiting Mexico, and Mexican customers calling […]

Data Wars Continue – Low & Mid-Tier Plans Benefit
October was the month for large bandwidth users of the major US cellular carriers with AT&T, Verizon and AT&T all offering double data deals on their larger tiered data shared plans. November seems to be the month for customers who don’t need the larger buckets of data. Starting today, Verizon is upping their mid-tier data […]

AT&T Extends Double Data Deals Until 11/15
For those still trying to make decisions in response to what we have come to call the October Cellular Shake-Up, AT&T today announced that they are extending their double data deals for Mobile Share plans in excess of 15GB until November 15. This could be a huge sigh of relief, especially for former Millenicom customers who […]

Halloween Surprise: BMI Abandons Mobile Internet Users with Just One Day’s Notice!
If you thought Millenicom customers have had it rough, users of Blue Mountain Internet’s Sprint-powered unlimited data plan are finding a lot more trick than treat in their inboxes today — they are having their service canceled with just one day’s notice! BMI is not nearly as well known in the RVing world as Millenicom, […]

Feds Sue AT&T For Unlimited Abuse
The Federal Trade Commission today announced that it is suing AT&T for deceptively selling “unlimited” data plans that were actually quite limited in practice. Even though AT&T hasn’t allowed new customers to sign up for an unlimited data plan in years, many AT&T customers have held on to their grandfathered unlimited plans thinking that they were actually […]
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