Mobile Internet News Center
From cellular plans, satellite internet, new product announcements to technology advancements.
Our goal is to provide analysis for how industry news impacts mobile internet for RVers and boaters.
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Competition Rocks: Verizon & Sprint Join AT&T in Doubling Data
Just a few days after AT&T announced that they were doubling the amount of data provided for Mobile Share plans, Verizon and Sprint have announced equivalent promotions. Score! Competition for the win! But… Just like AT&T’s new promotion, though the doubled data does not expire – you do need to sign up by the end […]

Promotion: Get Double the AT&T Data on Mobile Share Value Plans
Starting Sunday, September 28 – new and existing AT&T customers with large data plans will be able to get DOUBLE the data for the same price. The promotion is available for the asking through the end of October 2014. Any Mobile Share Value Plan with 15GB or more data can be doubled for the same […]

Is LTE Karma Good for RVers?
MVNO Karma has always stood out to us as an innovative business model. The company resells Sprint bandwidth, and then consumers share their hotspot with others – they can earn a little bit of free data (100MB when your friends sign up). Previously, the offering was only available on Sprint’s soon to be orphaned WiMax […]

Apple Launches All Out Assault on Mobile Bandwidth
Last week’s U2 Missile Strike was just the first volley in what is turning into an all out assault by Apple on mobile data plans everywhere – and if you ever use a mobile hotspot you might have already been hit. Apple released iOS 8 to the public last week on Wednesday, September 17th. Apple is calling […]

Verizon Enables VoLTE – Simultaneous Voice/Data At Last!
Verizon’s CDMA voice network has never supported the ability to be on a voice phone call while maintaining a data connection at the same time. This means that if a phone call comes in, your cellular data connection drops – making it impossible to surf the web or look up directions online while still on […]

WiFiRanger Announces XT Antenna Upgrade
WiFiRanger announced today the XT Antenna Upgrade for customers who have the WiFiRanger Mobile or older WiFiRanger Boost roof-mounted installations. The XT is a monster antenna – adding 15″ height over the standard MobileTI antenna. The increased height brings along an increase in gain from 3dB to 8.5dB – resulting in an increase in signal strength […]

Millenicom Makes Usage Tracking a Little Easier
Has anyone else noticed that Millenicom’s customer portal has been recently improved to make finding your ‘current’ usage just a tad easier? Once you log in, the very first page you see is your Millenicom Dashboard, with your current Product List. And now, one of your columns is your usage. Previously, you had to go to […]

AT&T Promises WiFi Calling… Next Year
Not to be overly upstaged by T-Mobile’s big WiFi calling announcements this week, AT&T also just revealed its own plans to offer WiFi calling (aka VoWiFi or “Voice Over WiFi”) to customers. But not until sometime in 2015. WiFi calling enables voice and text calls to be routed over connected WiFi networks, enabling coverage in places that […]
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