Mobile Internet News Center
From cellular plans, satellite internet, new product announcements to technology advancements.
Our goal is to provide analysis for how industry news impacts mobile internet for RVers and boaters.
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WiFiRanger Discontinues XT Antenna Upgrade
Just a quick update for those of you contemplating your roof-mounted long-range WiFi options – we’ve been informed that WiFiRanger has discontinued the XT Antenna upgrade. First offered in September, the optional $100 antenna added 15″ height to a basic WiFiRanger, and the 8.5dB gain delivered nearly 4x the signal strength of the stock 3dB antenna […]
Cradlepoint Reverses Consumer Hostile Firmware Policy
Mobile router manufacturer Cradlepoint has an excellent reputation for building quality hardware. But they’ve also built up a reputation for being unfriendly to everyday consumers – focusing their business on enterprise, business, and machine-to-machine installations. And then last year Cradlepoint got even more unfriendly – announcing that they would no longer even supply basic firmware updates […]
Google’s Cellular Service Unveiled: Introducing Project Fi
Google today unveiled its long-rumored cellular service: Project Fi. Project Fi is unique in that it is taking a true “pay as you go” approach to cellular data – refunding you every month for data you do not use. Rather than losing your data at the end of the month, or “rolling it over” for […]
weBoost Drive 4G-XR RV Cellular Booster – Delayed A Year?!?
In February when Wilson Electronics officially rebranded as weBoost, we were thrilled to discover some exciting new products listed as “coming soon” on the newly launched website. In particular – the Drive 4G-XR (RV) package excited us. At last, an LTE cellular booster bundle designed with RVs in mind – featuring a new roof-mounted RV […]
Hey Apple: WiFi Does NOT Mean Fast, Free, or Unlimited!
If you’ve noticed a few hundred megabytes missing from your cellular data buckets this month, the guilty party may be lurking in your pocket, or sitting on your nightstand. Yep – Apple had done it again. As we wrote about last September when iOS 8.0 was released – Apple assumes that any iOS device connected […]
Verizon Argues Against “Unlimited Data” – T-Mobile Argues Against Overage Charges
Earlier this week Verizon published an editorial on its official corporate blog, warning against the dangerous lure of unlimited data plans. Written by industry analyst Jack Gold, he makes the point that if customers had access to and actually used more data, Verizon would be forced to upgrade its network to handle the demand – raising costs. He […]
Clearwire Going Clear Away – Formal WiMAX Shutdown Scheduled for November
The writing has been on the wall for WiMAX for a long time. We first warned about the end of days coming to Sprint’s former flagship 4G network last July, and again in October. But some customers of Sprint subsidiary Clear were still caught off guard yesterday to receive a formal legal notice email letting […]
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