Mobile Internet News Center
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Hey Apple: WiFi Does NOT Mean Fast, Free, or Unlimited!
If you’ve noticed a few hundred megabytes missing from your cellular data buckets this month, the guilty party may be lurking in your pocket, or sitting on your nightstand. Yep – Apple had done it again. As we wrote about last September when iOS 8.0 was released – Apple assumes that any iOS device connected […]

Verizon Argues Against “Unlimited Data” – T-Mobile Argues Against Overage Charges
Earlier this week Verizon published an editorial on its official corporate blog, warning against the dangerous lure of unlimited data plans. Written by industry analyst Jack Gold, he makes the point that if customers had access to and actually used more data, Verizon would be forced to upgrade its network to handle the demand – raising costs. He […]

Clearwire Going Clear Away – Formal WiMAX Shutdown Scheduled for November
The writing has been on the wall for WiMAX for a long time. We first warned about the end of days coming to Sprint’s former flagship 4G network last July, and again in October. But some customers of Sprint subsidiary Clear were still caught off guard yesterday to receive a formal legal notice email letting […]

Net Neutrality Update: The 60 Day Clock Starts Ticking, The Fighting Continues
Though the FCC voted to approve sweeping new “Network Neutrality” rules back in February – the rules were not slated to go into effect until 60 days after they are officially published in the Federal Register. That clock started ticking yesterday – the rules have now been published, with an effective date of June 12th, 2015. The official […]

Unlimited Entertainment: Getting HBO (and more) on the Road
The new season of HBO’s mega-hit Game of Thrones premiers tonight. And for the first time, RVers wanting to watch along with the rest of the nation have options thanks to HBO Now, and services like Sling TV. In the past – the only (legal) way to get HBO shows on the road was to go […]

WiFi Calling Progress Report: Sprint Brings VoWiFi to the iPhone
WiFi calling (also known as “voice over WiFi” or VoWiFi) is a feature of some phones and cellular networks that allows for voice calls and text messages to be routed over any available WiFi network when cellular service is not available. In practice – VoWiFi turns any WiFi hotspot into a cell tower, expanding coverage indoors […]

Beware the iCloud Temptation: Apple Mac OS X 10.10.3 & Photos Launches Today
Apple this morning released the latest version of OS X Yosemite – 10.10.3. Normally a minor OS update isn’t a big deal nor very newsworthy – but this is a big one, in more ways than one. And for those of us living on limited mobile data connections, there are some substantial implications – particularly concerning […]

T-Mobile Prepaid SIMs On Sale for 99 cents (Get ‘Free Data For Life’)
T-Mobile normally sells their SIM cards to activate devices on their network for $15 – but until April 23, they are on sale for just 99 cents. You’ll need to use discount code SIM99 at checkout on the T-Mobile USA Website. The website will ask for the device you want the SIM card for, to […]
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