USB cellular modems (also known as 'USB Sticks') are often a great choice for RVers and other folks on the go - they're compact, simple, and can either be plugged into a USB port in a laptop, or into a mobile router to share the connection.
For a long time however, it was looking like USB modems might have been going the way of the dinosaur, as no new options had been released for Verizon's network that supported the newest frequencies enabling XLTE support.
Only the old Pantech UML295 supported just one of Verizon's XLTE bands, but it had mixed reviews for reliability.
With no decent USB options, we've been recommending self-contained Mobile Hotspots (aka 'JetPacks' and 'MiFi' devices) that are a cellular modem and battery powered WiFi router all in one.
For those who are just plugging them into mobile routers like a Cradlepoint, Pepwave, or WiFiRanger device - a full hotspot is usually a more complex solutions than needed.

But at last, there is a new USB choice!
The newly announced Novatel Global USB U620L has shown up in Verizon's online store, and is now available for $199 without contract, or free with a 2-year contract.
The U620L supports all of Verizon's current frequencies including 2G, 3G, and all the LTE/XLTE bands Verizon currently uses.
In particular, LTE bands 2, 3, 4, 5, and 13 are supported. The U620L is also ready for when Verizon begins to support LTE-Advanced features with support for carrier aggregation - allowing LTE bands 13 & 4 or 13 & 2 to be virtually combined for increased potential speed.
The U620L is also global ready, meaning you can use it overseas by activating Verizon's international plans.
Initial Thoughts
Overall on paper - the specs of the U620L make it appear to be a great choice for RVers who need maximum flexibility in getting online with Verizon.
The downside of the U620L seems to be the lack of MIMO antenna ports, but it does have a single test port that can utilize an antenna with care.
We have already confirmed with the folks at WiFiRanger that their mobile routers (the Go2 and Mini) should support the U620L automatically, though since they haven't had a chance to test one yet - if you encounter difficulties, contact them and any tweaks should be a very quick fix on their end if it doesn't work right away.
We imagine the same is true for other mobile router vendors - though we will be on the lookout for any reported compatibility issues.
As the U620L is just now hitting the market, there are no review out yet as to its reliability and performance.
We hope to get one into our arsenal for some testing soon.
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