We have completed another round of testing, this time testing out some alternative MIMO portable TS-9 antennas, new SureCall Fusion2Go 3.0, a range of weBoost products and the new HiBoost OTR antenna combo.
The cellular boosters tested:
- SureCall Fusion2GO 3.0 RV - Newly released in March 2018, SureCall has made this claim this booster should outperform the tried and true weBoost Drive 4G-X. We'll be putting it to the test.
- weBoost Drive 4G-X RV & OTR - our tried and true standard, based on many previous rounds of signal testing. We'll be using both the RV and OTR antennas in various testing.
- weBoost Drive 4G-M OTR - We'll also be bringing back an old favorite - the less powerful and more affordable 4G-M. This has been a solidly performing booster for those who don't necessarily need increased upload speeds that the transmit power of the 4G-X provides.
- weBoost Connect RV 65 - Released on April 30, we've had a pre-release evaluation unit in our lab for a few weeks and are integrating it into testing against weBoost's mobile booster line-up.
- HiBoost Travel 4G LTE with new OTR Antenna - HiBoost was anticipating releasing a new booster kit with an OTR Antenna in May 2018 (same antenna design from Antenna World as from weBoost, just with a different plastic case). However they ended up not releasing this as a new kit, and instead are selling the antenna separately. We've had this pairing in testing since April.
MIMO Antennas Being Tested
Interior MIMO cellular antennas Netgear MIMO Suction Cup - We pretty much have a love affair going on with this directional suction cup mounted antenna that plugs directly into LTE hotspots with dual antenna ports. The results were amazing - often outperforming roof mounted antennas and boosters. In August this antenna disappeared from the market (soon to return), but seems to now be reliably back in stock.
We'll be taking some numbers with some potential alternative MIMO antennas just incase the Netgear disappears again:
- Panorama MIMO
- Urant MIMO
The devices & the carriers we are testing them with include:
- Verizon - Novatel 7730L
- AT&T - Unite Explore & Unite Pro
For guides to boosters & antennas:
Understanding & Optimizing your Cellular Data Performance
Understanding MIMO (Multiple Input, Multiple Output) – LTE Speed & Cell Booster Implications
Testing Status: Testing has been completed and reviews of all products in this round updated to reflect our testing.
We will be starting a new round of testing in late 2018 to continue some additional configuration experimentation.
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