The Uncarrier is at it again, and launched Un-Carrier Unwrapped today. Each week for the next 4 weeks, they will be announcing a new present for their customers and potential customers.
In today's inaugural announcement, the gift goes to their existing customers.
All Simple Choice customers will be getting 3 months of free on device smartphone data beginning December 1. Anyone who has such a plan active by the end of today, will receive the gift without having to do anything further.
Some of the caveats of this offer include:
- The unlimited LTE does not include tethering - the tethering limit will remain whatever your current high speed cap is.
- You can not change plans and receive the perk, such as downgrading to a lower level.
- To receive the perk, you must leave the Binge On service activated the entire 3 months.
- Any balance you may have in your Data Stash roll over bucket will be used first, before the unlimited LTE kicks in.
- Other unlimited smartphone plan perks do not apply, such as the free monthly Vudu rental.
T-Mobile has confirmed that their tablet customers will also be receiving the on-device unlimited bonus. But since the deal doesn't include unlimited tethering, it is unlikely that mobile hotspot customers will see this.
So if you were on the fence about joining T-Mobile due to their latest uncarrier move (Binge On Streaming Service) - it may be worthwhile heading out to your nearest T-Mobile store today. Or it may be worthwhile seeing what other gifts they have coming in the next few weeks.
Word is, the upcoming gifts will be aimed at customers of the other 3 big carriers. We'll keep our eye out for any worthwhile promotions.
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Verizon Customers: You have one day left to snag their holiday gift of 2 bonus GBs of data for data share plans.