The Race to Gigabit LTE (And Why Things Seem To Actually Be Getting Slower)

Sprint’s “Magic Box” Promises Improved Coverage – If You Qualify

Winegard Announces ConnecT 4G1: Rooftop Wi-Fi & Cellular Combined

WiFiRanger Introduces Cellular-Integrated SkyPro LTE (and Millenicom Partnership)

Peplink Embraces LTE-A at Last, but Basic MAX BR1 Update Seemingly Delayed

Cradlepoint Announces New Flagship COR IBR900 Mobile Router

Verizon Launches New Flagship Hotspot: Jetpack MiFi 7730L by Novatel

2016 RV Mobile Internet Year in Review & Looking Forward Into 2017

Reminder: AT&T’s 2G Network Shutting Down on January 1st!

Sprint Unveils “High Performance User Equipment” Technology – Promising Increased LTE Range / Performance

Apple’s New iPhone 7: Understanding Carrier Models & Cellular Limitations

Verizon Announces LTE Advanced – 50% Faster in 461 Cities

Cradlepoint Embraces LTE-Advanced, Multi-Carrier Radios

The End is Coming: AT&T Reminds Customers About Upcoming 2G Network Shutdown

T-Mobile Continues “Extended Range LTE” Expansion – Doubles Coverage Area in 2015

Yes, 5G Cellular Technology Is Coming!

2015 RV Mobile Internet Year in Review

Sprint Reveals “Biggest Offer Ever” – Announces its “LTE Plus Network”

Verizon Releases Firmware Update 2.5 for Novatel MiFi 6620L