WiFiRanger today announced a special limited-time "Black November" discount, offering the $150 XT Antenna upgrade for free with purchase of the $499 roof-mounted MobileTi, and also offered as a free upgrade with the $599 RV PackTi - which also includes an interior Go2 router in the bundle.
If you already have a WiFiRanger Mobile, the Black November price on the antenna upgrade kit has been dropped from $150 to $99, and you can get an additional $20 credit if you send back the original antenna.
The XT antenna has 8.5dB gain, substantially more than the 3dB gain of the default MobileTi. But the XT antenna is also a giant - adding 15" to the height of the MobileTi.
Because of the extreme height, the XT is only suitable for use if you use a WiFiRanger Mobile that is mounted on a crank-up batwing-style TV antenna, or on a flagpole.
Also - because the antenna is polarized, it will not work well unless it is cranked up and fully vertical.
But if this tempts you, the Black November specials on the XT are good through November 30th.
You can also use discount code 'WFRTechno' at checkout and save 5% (we don't get any kickbacks if you do... but it does let the fine folks at WiFiRanger know you heard about their products from us.)
In the announcement email, WiFiRanger also boasted a bit about the long-awaited firmware update they have been working on with a whole slew of new features:
New Firmware Coming Soon! - IMPROVEMENTS AND FIXES WILL BE AVAILABLE IN THE NEAR FUTURE - The latest 6.6.5p1 firmware has increased product usability and stability tremondously, but you know us, we're never done innovating and refining. The goal is for releasing the new firmware near the beginning of the New Year.
We have been part of the beta-test group for the 6.6.7 (they skipped 6.6.6 for some reason) firmware for months now, and overall it has been pretty stable. The usage tracking in particular is really impressive, especially for people who are on limited data connections.
But the overall UI has been really rough around the edges, and at times I've worried that the Rangers are too focused on new features versus just solidifying and simplifying what they already have.
The WiFiRanger team does have some great features planned, and now we have a target release date to hold them to.
Let's hope that it proves to be worth waiting for!