The Verizon pUDP - or prepaid unlimited Jetpack hotspot data plan - was the holy grail of mobile internet. An elusive and short lived unlimited data plan that retired in 2019.
Released in November 2018, while Verizon's Prepaid Unlimited Hotspot Data Plan (pUDP) wasn't 'perfect' - it was a sweet deal with nice features for nomads nestled into a world of high-priced plans with prohibitive features for nomads. It was retired in 2019, but customers who had the plan have been able to keep using it in grandfathered status.
The Verizon pUDP is not subject to hard throttling at any point - but is subject to network management at all times. Meaning traffic will be behind postpaid customers.
Network management is a much more tolerable than the dreaded hard throttle - a characteristic of many "unlimited" data plans. Plans marketed as "unlimited" often have hard caps on how much data can actually be used at high addition to being subject to network management.
Video on the Verizon pUDP is throttled to 720p HD resolution.
All of the unlimited data plans offered directly from the main carriers today have gotchas - subject to network management (slowing down while on congested towers), speed tiers, limits on mobile hotspot use, fixed location clauses and/or video streaming optimization.
pUDP (or prepaid Unlimited Data Plan) has become our shorthand name to refer to this particular plan.
Status: The Verizon Prepaid Unlimited Data Plan retired on the morning of May 21, 2019, and is no longer available to new customers.
Existing customers are grandfathered in, as long as they keep their plan always active with no lapse in payment. We recommend setting Autopay up to ensure you plan renews every month, and perhaps even loading in a cash balance in case you forget to update your credit card.
We have a bunch more content on this plan, so be sure to follow up with these news articles for any updates we have been tracking:
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When the pUDP was available, you could activate it on Verizon branded data-only devices for $65/month (after a $5 auto pay discount). And you could activate a Jetpack as a standalone device line, with no additional smartphone line needed.
When a Verizon pUDP is activated on a Jetpack, you get unlimited high speed data that you can connect other devices to over the Jetpack's Wi-Fi network.
If you had other prepaid phone or jetpack lines, you could add on a Jetpack line for just $55/month with the multi-line discount.
This plan is nothing like Verizon's other connected device data plans that are sometimes referred to as unlimited, but only include a set amount of high speed data before hard throttling to slow speeds.
Verizon corporate media relations confirmed with us, Jetpacks on this pUDP plan have absolutely no high speed data caps.
The original plan details when launched on November 6, 2018.
However, when the Verizon pUDP is activated on tablets or smartphones, the plan includes absolutely no personal mobile hotspot use. None. Nada. Zilch. Data use on those plans is only for on device usage.
A very peculiar limitation, considering the now retired (pre November 2018) unlimited prepaid plans include unlimited hotspot use at 600 kbps.
But, if the plan is set-up on a Jetpack, mobile hotspot or router - hotspotting data is unlimited with no hard throttling!
Verizon's update to the terms as of December 4, 2018.
While video streaming was initially capped at 1080p for all devices, as of December 4, 2018 Verizon changed their video throttles to 720p for devices connected to a Jetpack. Tablets remain at 1080p - but again - no hotspotting off of a tablet.
Always Network Managed
The catch is that the Verizon pUDP is always subject to network management, meaning that in times of network congestion they may be temporarily deprioritized relative to other traffic. And because it is prepaid, traffic is already behind that of postpaid customers.
This will be most noticeable when you are traveling or located in congested markets where Verizon towers are saturated or during peak internet hours. This can result in temporary slower speeds during those times. If you're in a congested area, those temporary periods may seem pretty consistent making this plan not suitable in those markets.
Can you Solely Rely On this Plan?
If mobile internet is critical to you, we don't recommend this as your only plan - have other back-up options. In some congested markets, the prepaid status and network management combined can be intolerable at times.
However if you're in an area with plenty of capacity, this plan can deliver 100s of gigabytes at amazing speeds.
What is a Jetpack?
Jetpack is the branded name that Verizon uses for mobile hotspot devices. They're also called MiFis - which is what manufacturer Novatel/Inseego has branded for theirs. It's kinda like Kleenex and Puffs, they both are facial tissues.
These gizmos are a combined cellular modem & router that takes a cellular signal to create to your own private Wi-Fi network. You can then connect laptops, tablets, smartphones, eReaders, gaming systems, video streaming devices, etc. to that Wi-Fi network to get internet access. You can even tether them to cellular aware routers (like the WiFiRanger or Pepwave) as the internet uplink.
Account Basics: A family plan allows for the ability to mix-&-match line types (hotspot, phone, tablet) on a single account. 10 lines are allowed per account. Additional lines after the first are eligible for up to a $20/month discount depending on device and plan.
Domestic Roaming: Verizon prepaid utilizes most of Verizon postpaid domestic roaming for data when you are off their network domestically, but not all. Note: there are isolated reports of Verizon canceling these plans for excessive domestic roaming.
Throttling: This plan is not subject to any hard throttling after a certain usage of data in a month.
Network Management: This plan is subject to network management at all times, which means you will likely experience slower speeds than other customers when on congested towers.
International: Jetpacks and Tablets on Verizon Prepaid are not eligible for activating TravelPass, and no international roaming is included. Even in Canada & Mexico.
Mobile Hotspot Use: Hotspot devices (aka Jetpacks) as a line on an unlimited plan can hotspot unlimited data at full speed data - but that hotspot data is always network managed.
Hotspot Devices: Can be activated as a single line on unlimited or tiered data prepaid plans.
Data Roll Over: None.
Overage Charges: There are no overage charges on prepaid plans.
Video Streaming: No video streaming subscriptions are provided with prepaid accounts. Video streaming is at 720p for Jetpacks.
Employee/Military Discounts: Prepaid accounts are not eligible for discounts.
The Unlimited Jetpack Plan is accessed in the Jetpack/Tablet section midway down the screen (see the screenshot on the right).
Don't get confused by the prepaid smartphone section at the top of the page stating hotspot isn't included - make sure you scroll to the Table & Jetpack Plans section.
Although the unlimited option is no longer prominently listed here, it is still available by clicking on the "shop now" button.
After clicking "shop now" you can select a device to purchase or the use the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) option, you'll get the choose the actual plan - you'll want to pick the unlimited option. See the screenshot below:
You can order the plan online, on the phone or in stores. You will need to either purchase a Jetpack through Verizon Prepaid or bring your own Verizon compatible device.
Special Advice For Those With Existing Verizon Postpaid Accounts
If you already have a postpaid Verizon plan, you can not mix & match pre and postpaid lines on the same account. You will be opening up a new prepaid consumer account, which should be quick & easy (no credit checks required), but there are some tips and gotcha's to keep in mind:
Use a different email address from the Postpaid account. We've seen many reports of major problems when customers use the same email address for the prepaid account as the postpaid account.
You do not need to switch your phone lines to prepaid, you can get this plan stand-alone. But there are discounts offered for family prepaid accounts, just be aware of the limitations of the smartphone & tablet plans offered on prepaid.
If you have a Jetpack on an existing postpaid plan, you can activate it on prepaid.
If the Jetpack is under contract you will need to keep paying for your postpaid plan or buy out the contract by paying the early termination fees. But you can activate a new prepaid SIM and use it in the Jetpack.
If the Jetpack is not under contract, you can cancel that postpaid line with no penalty - and you may even be able to re-use your existing SIM card.
Make sure you are signing up for PREPAID ($70/mo plan) not POSTPAID ($80/mo) plan.
The postpaid plan has a 15GB high speed hotspot cap.
Additional Tips And Notes
If you're calling in or going to a store, your rep may have no clue what you're talking about. But it's in their system at check-out for activating a Jetpack. Refer them to their own prepaid page on the Verizon website (scroll down to the Jetpack/Tablet area), or show them this guide.
The internal plan code for the Prepaid Unlimited Jetpack plan is 28366.
Reps should be able to look-up the plan with this code.
Your first month's payment should be $70 (plus potential taxes & fees) - if it's $80 (plus taxes), you're on the wrong plan!
After you have the plan, you'll proceed to set up your account on MyVerizon and activate autopay to get the $5/mo discount if you so choose.
Setting up your MyVerizon account may be a bit tricky, however, as Verizon sends the activation PIN as a text message - you may need to instead call in and have them send that via e-mail (remember to give your prepaid account a different email address from any Verizon postpaid account). If you have issues with this, going to a corporate Verizon store might help straighten things out.
There should be no taxes or fees in most markets on prepaid after your first month. You pay at the beginning of the month for your service, and your plan expires in 30-days. There is no pro-rated refund if you cancel mid-month. You must renew it to activate service again, either manually or via the autopay method. If you don't renew in 60 days, your account will be closed.
Please be patient with reps (hi if you're reading this!). You may be the person who brings the plan to their attention. And it is not at all uncommon for customer service reps to be confused on the details of plans and give you inaccurate information. We've heard everything from this plan doesn't exist, to it has a high-speed cap, to all data is at 600kbps, to you can't stream video on the plan (all confirmed to be untrue).
This article has been fact-checked, confirmed with Verizon corporate, confirmed by thousands of successful activations by readers of this site and constantly updated based on feedback from our members navigating this.
If your rep is not cooperative in finding the plan, try another.
Confirming You Got the Right Plan
Since there are a lot of confused reps out there, it can be pretty easy for them to sign you up for the postpaid Beyond Unlimited plan for a Jetpack instead of this prepaid plan. You don't want postpaid, it has a 15GB high-speed mobile hotspot cap.
Here are some things you do to confirm you got the right plan:
During Sign Up
When getting started with this plan, here are some things that should tip you off right away that you're on the right path:
Limited Personal Information Asked
Prepaid: When signing up, you should only have to give a name, address, and an e-mail address (notice we didn't say you have to give YOUR name and address - they don't check). Prepaid requires no credit check.
Postpaid: If you're asked to give additional information like a SSN or driver's license - then you're likely being asked to setup a postpaid account. Postpaid requires a credit check. Additionally, if you already have a postpaid Verizon account and you're not asked to open a NEW account - then you're not signing up for the right plan. Prepaid and postpaid lines can't be in the same account.
Prepaid: Your initial payment to get started should be for the first month of service plus taxes & fees (so around $75). You should be asked to pay this upfront to start your plan, not billed later.
Postpaid: If you're not asked to pay for your month of service in advance - then you're signing up for a postpaid account. Postpaid is paid at the end of your service month and you are sent a bill for this.
Activation Fees
Prepaid: There should be no activation fees involved with prepaid.
Postpaid: There generally is a $30-35 activation fee to activate a new line of service. If you see mention of activation fees, you're on the wrong plan. If your first month of service is $80 + 30 for activation - you're on the wrong plan.
Monthly Charge
Prepaid: The monthly fee should be $70, or $65 after you enable auto pay going forward.
Postpaid: The monthly fee is $80.
Plan Name
Plan details on MyVerizon.
The plan name should be "$70 plan with unlimited data" or "$70 Plan UNL Data".
Even if you have auto pay enable, the plan is still a $70/month plan with a $5 credit applied each month for the discount. If you have multiple lines, it will display family plan discounts.
There should be no mention of a high-speed mobile hotspot cap on your plan (there will be 'Once the high-speed data allowance is used, you will have 2G speed' in the fine print - this is different, and meant for prepaid tiered data plans, not this unlimited plan.)
If it says 'Beyond Unlimited', you're on postpaid and have a 15GB high-speed cap, which would be displayed in your usage area of MyVerizon.
MyVerizon Setup
After you get your online account setup, you should be seeing clear signs of prepaid. The URL after you login on Verizon's website should redirect to something like:
And again, if you have other Verizon postpaid account, this should be under a separate login - you can't have post and prepaid on the same account.
Several members have reported severe and ongoing issues with setting up and accessing the pUDP account on myVerizon. The instructions on Verizon's site do not consistently work for setting up this plan in myVerizon. Here are some tips that have worked for some:
There is an unadvertised Verizon PrePaid support number that some members have had better success with: 800-922-0204. Many have reported they had to call prepaid support to validate you and create a temporary password for access.
Since Jetpacks can't receive TXT messages as easily, it may be easier to ask Verizon to send you the confirmation information via e-mail.
Ensure your email address for the pUDP is different from any postpaid account (present or even a past account). If you have a postpaid account as well, you'll technically need two myVerizon accounts - one for postpaid and one for prepaid.
Link the myVerizon phone/tablet app for one account, either prepaid or postpaid. Some members have been told it's better to use the myVerizon app for accessing one account and using a browser to access the other account as the app can get confused.
Going to a Verizon corporate owned store seems to be more successful at resolving problems than using phone or chat tech support.
Here's a screenshot of our prepaid MyVerizon account:
'Add Funds' and having an account balance is the tell tale of prepaid - you keep funds on balance (or a credit card that gets auto billed), and then pay from that before your month of service.
With postpaid, you get a bill at the end of the month, and you'll see definite options on your MyVerizon account for viewing your bill, paying your bill, etc.
Getting a Hotspot & Device Activation on Prepaid
If you try to order online and purchase a device, you'll likely find that only the Verizon Ellipsis (MHS900L) is currently in stock for prepaid - which is not an ideal device. It lacks support for many of Verizon's frequency bands and has a very low-end modem that won't perform as well as other models.
The 7730L may be listed at times, usually as a refurbished device, but Verizon is phasing this device out.
Getting the 8800L
The Inseego 8800L
The flagship 8800L is NOT listed as an available device for prepaid online.
However, you can order the brand new 8800L with the prepaid plan. You can do this over the phone, in online chat or in a store - just ask the rep you're working with.
But at this time you can not do it online ordering the plan yourself (if you come to a check out screen that shows it, double-check that their website didn't direct you to a postpaid plan - if the plan shows as $80/month - that's Beyond Unlimited with the 15GB high-speed cap.)
If you can't find a rep willing to do it, then you'll need to navigate purchasing the 8800L using the tips in our original news article - just as if you were buying one for a gUDP.
Be very careful here... do NOT purchase this device with a contract if you want to use with prepaid. A contract is a sign you've signed up for postpaid. Pay full price for it at $199.99 - accept not discounts or 'free' offers (these are really subsidized pricing in exchange for a contract). And on prepaid, there should be no activation fees!
You can also acquire a device third party and activate it, or utilize an existing device you already have. Any branded Verizon Jetpack should be eligible to activated (5510, AC791L, MHS291L, 6620L, MHS900L, 7730L or 8800L). If you need help selecting the right model for you, check out our Guide to Understanding LTE Modems.
In general, we recommend sticking with the modern models, which currently include the AC791L, 7730L or 8800L. Going any older than that, and you are seriously diminishing your potential speeds and coverage.
Care & Feeding of a Retired Verizon pUDP
Since the retirement of this plan, we have kept this section updated with information learned for keeping your Verizon pUDP active and grandfathered in long term.
We asked our Verizon PR contact about allowing your pUDP to lapse once the plan is retired. Previously, you could let your plan lapse up to 60 days before Verizon would close your account, but you could renew at any time during that 60-days.
It seems that going forward you MUST ALWAYS keep your plan active to remain grandfathered in.
We are officially advising that you setup autopay on your MyVerizon prepaid account and always ensure your plan is renewed each and every month.
Until we verify otherwise, consider that ANY lapse in the plan could result in losing your grandfathered status and not being able to get the plan back.
Purchase New Jetpacks 3rd Party
We have fielded multiple reports that purchasing or replacing a Jetpack directly from Verizon will force a change to a currently available data plan - and you will lose your grandfathered status. This includes warranty device swaps.
Even if a representative gives you assurance that your plan will transfer - do not trust them. There is no recourse to getting your plan back if it is lost in the process.
Purchase or acquire any new equipment you want 3rd party, and swap your pUDP SIM card into the device. This is known to be working with out issues at present time.
Avoid Domestic Roaming
We have had some isolated reports of Verizon sending out cancellation notices to customers who have used excessive domestic roaming on their plan.
Unfortunately, there is no warning given or any information available as to what is considered excessive. And most customers who received these cancellations had no indication that they were roaming. Even checking Verizon's coverage maps showed they were in Verizon coverage.
Some devices allow you to disable roaming - if you have one, we definitely recommend making that setting.
If you get this letter, there seems to be no recourse for getting the plan back.
Lost/Damaged Device or SIM Card
If you lose or damage your SIM card, it's pretty easy to get Verizon to move your plan to a new SIM card. You can either acquire a blank Verizon one yourself and call them, or get one in a store. Just report your SIM card lost, give them the new SIM card's number and they can move it right over. We have multiple successful reports of this without risk to your grandfathered plan - just make sure your rep is not trying to activate a new plan, and is just moving your existing plan to the new SIM.
However do not REPLACE your Jetpack direct with Verizon (see above). Purchase that 3rd party and move your newly re-provisioned SIM card over.
Ignore Email and Text Messages after a SIM Swap
In April 2021, Verizon started sending out text and/or email messages after customers swap a SIM to another device, asking you to confirm your device and plan features (this applies to all data plans now)
Ignore these text messages!
If you follow the link in them, Verizon will eventually ask you to potentially change your plan. We have no reports of anything happening if you ignore the messages - the plan continues to work. More details are in this forum thread.
Using Prepaid with Non-Jetpacks?
However, at present time - the Verizon pUDP SIM card seems to just work when used in routers like Cradlepoint, Peplink, MoFi, Insty Connect and Winegard cellular embedded routers.
The prepaid Jetpack plan does not work in smartphones however.
Transferring the Plan to a New Owner
So you no longer need your Verizon pUDP. Or maybe you've found someone else who no longer needs the plan - and you do.
Transferral of a prepaid plan to a new owner is pretty straight forward - and does not require any involvement from Verizon Prepaid. As this is a prepaid account, it is not tied to a specific person.
We recommend that you simply send the plan's SIM card to the new recipient. Then give the log in credentials for the account to them.
Have the plan's new owner change autopay/billing/ownership from within the plan's dashboard.
Easy peasy.
5G and the pUDP
Verizon currently has two flavors of 5G - Nationwide and Ultra Wideband (UW). Their Nationwide 5G coverage is their longer range coverage, using dynamic spectrum sharing over their LTE frequencies. They pretty much reach 5G Nationwide and 4G LTE the same in terms of inclusion on plans and terms as far as data caps.
All Verizon data plans, including legacy plans like the pUDP, officially include Nationwide 5G access if you have a compatible device.
Only select current data plans include Verizon's 5G UW coverage (which is their short range mmWave coverage in a handful of urban areas) - legacy plans like the pUDP are not officially included at present time.
However, we have multiple reports of legacy plans - including the pUDP - receiving mid-band UW coverage without problem anyway.
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Paying for Prepaid
How prepaid plans are paid, and how to save up to 40% each month!
How is Prepaid Different than Postpaid?
So just what does prepaid mean, and what compromises does this plan have as compared to a postpaid plan? From lower priority to different coverage areas.
Analysis Against Other Verizon Hotspot Plans
How does this plan stack up against other popular Verizon options?
Summary: Verizon pUDP a Top Choice, But No Longer Available
The Verizon Prepaid Jetpack Plan (pUDP) is a top choice for data-hungry nomads looking for a plan on the network with the largest coverage areas in the U.S. However as of May 21, 2019, the plan has been retired and is not longer available to new customers. If you currently have this plan, do not let it lapse as you will not be able to get it again.
Standalone mobile hotspot devices (Jetpacks/MiFis) can be activated on an unlimited data plan with no high-speed hotspot caps. However, all data use is subject to network management - and video is throttled to 720p when shared via a Jetpack.
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